Pragmatic Homomorphic Encryption

Hi again!

Since you’re here, I believe that you have a general idea about what homomorphic encryption is. If, however you are a little confused, here it is in a nutshell: you can do data processing directly on encrypted data. E.G. An encryption of a 5 multiplied by an encryption of a 2 is an encryption of a 10. Tadaaa!

This is pure magic for privacy. Especially with this hype that is happening now with all the data leaks, and new privacy regulation, and old privacy regulation, and s**t. Essentially, what you can do with this is very close to the holy grail of privacy: complete confidential computing, process data that is already encrypted, without the decryption key. Assuming data protection in transit is already done. See picture bellow:

Quick note here, most of the homomorphic schemes (BFV/CKKS/blabla..) use a public/private scheme for encrypting/decryption of data.

Now, I have been fortunate enough to work, in the past year, on a side project involving a lot of homomorphic encryption. I was using Microsoft SEAL and it was great. I am not going to talk about the math behind this type of encryption, not going to talk about the Microsoft SEAL library (although I consider it excellent), not going to talk about the noise-propagation problem in this kind of encryption.

I am, however, going to talk about a common pitfall that I have seen, and that is worrying. This pitfall is concerning the integrity of the result processing. Or, to be more precise, attacking the integrity of the expected result of processing.

Some Example

Let me give you an example: Assume you have an IoT solution that is monitoring some oil rigs. The IoT devices encrypt the data that is collected by them, then sends it to a central service for statistical analysis. The central service does the processing and provides an API for some other clients used by top management.

(This is just an example. I am not saying I did exactly this. It would be $tupid to break an NDA and be so open about it.)

If I, as an attacker compromise the service that is doing the statistical analysis, I cannot see the real data sent by the sensors. However, I could mess with it a little. I could, for instance, make sure that the statistical analysis returned by the API is rigged, that it shows whatever I want it to show.

I am not saying that I am able to change the input data. After all, I as an attacker do not have the key used for encryption, so that I am not able to encrypt new data in the series. I just go ahead and alter the result.

It seems obvious that you should protect such a system against impersonation/MitM/spoofing attacks. Well. Apparently, it is not that obvious.

The Trouble

While implementing this project, I got in touch with various teams that were working with homomorphic encryption, and it seems that there was a recurring issue. The problem is that the team that is implementing such a solution, usually is made up of experienced (at least) developers that have a solid knowledge of math / cryptography. But it is not their role to handle the overall security of the system.

The team that is responsible for the overall security of the system, is unfortunately, often decoupled with the details of a project that is under development. What do they “know” about the project? Homomorphic encryption? Well, that is cool, data integrity is handled by encryption, so why put any extra effort into that?

Please, please, do not overlook basic security just because some pretty neat researchers made a breakthrough regarding the efficiently of implementing a revolutionary encryption scheme. Revolutionary does not mean lazy. And FYI, a Full Homomorphic Encryption Scheme has been theorized since 1978.

To be fair play, I want to mention another library that is good at doing homomorphic encryption, PALISADE. I only have some production experience with Microsoft SEAL, and thus, I prefer it 😊

Be safe!

Wiping off some encraption using Managed Service Identities in Azure

I think it was 2008 when I was studying the second edition of “Writing Secure Code” by David LeBlanc and Michael Howard. It was there that I ran into the term “encraption” for the first time. Encraption refers, generally, to the bad practice of using poor encryption: old and deprecated algorithms, poor key complexities, storing the keys in plain sight, and other crap like that. Some of these bad practices can be fixed within a software development team by educating the members to ask for expertise in cryptography instead of just making assumptions. I have talked about this before, and yes, this aspect is critical.

I want to talk about a specific aspect of encraption: storing the keys in plain sight. I still encounter this situation so often, that I get physically ill when I am seeing it. If you claim to have never done it – store keys/sensitive information in plain sight – please think again, this time carefully. In fact, there is a secure coding principle stating that the source code of your application, in any configuration, should not be considered sensitive information. This, of course, has some very little exceptions.

Disclaimer! This article is just a summary of the reasons why you should consider using Azure Managed Service Identities, and does not describe the inner pluming of Managed Service Identities in Azure, nor does it provide examples. It would be stupid for me to claim that I can give more appropriate documentation than Microsoft already does on their platform. At the end of the article you will find links pointing you to those resources.

Let us imagine a classic situation here, for example a shared service that is required to store sensitive information that is generated by each of its users, and later make that data available ONLY to the user that generated it. Something like this:

Now, the trick is that any bug/quark that may appear inside the app will not allow for a user to obtain any key belonging to any other user. The cryptography behind this is not the scope of this article. Also, handling sensitive data while they are in memory is not the purpose of this article. So, in the end, how would you tackle this? Many of you would say, right away that key storage should be delegated to a dedicated service, let’s call it a HSM, like so:

Now, the problem is that you need to have an authenticated and secure communication channel with the HSM. If you are trying to accomplish this in your own infrastructure, then good luck. While it is possible to do it, it is most certainly expensive. If you are going to buy the HSM service from an external provider, then, most certainly you will have to obey a lot of security standards before obtaining it. Most of these so-called Key Vault services will allow access to them based on secret-based authentication (app id and secret) that your application, in turn will need to securely store. I hope you have spotted the loophole. The weakest link here is that your application will still have to manage a secret, a set of characters that is very, very sensitive information:

Of course, most teams will have a “rock-solid-secure-rocketscience-devops” that will protect this red key in the configuration management of the production environment. Someone will obey a very state of the art process to obtain and store the red key only in the production environment, and no one will ever get it. This is sarcasm in case you missed it. But why is it sarcasm? you may ask. Here are my reasons.

  • In 15 years and probably hundreds of projects with a lot of people involved, I have maybe seen 3 – three – projects that have done this properly. Typical mistakes are ranging between
    1. the red key has changed, no one knew that it can change, the production halted, a SWAT team rushed to save the day and used their own machines for changing the key
    2. development team has access to production
    3. the “rock-solid-secure-rocketscience-devops” is ignored by the “experienced” developer that hard-codes the key
    4. no one really cares about that key. It is just “infrastructure”
  • An attack can still target this red key. It is, in fact just another attack surface. Assuming the absurdity that all other parts of the system are secure, a system holding such a key will have at least two points of attack.
    1. The identity that has access to the production environment (this is very hard to eliminate)
    2. The red key itself

Why not eliminating this red key altogether? Why not going to a cloud provider where you can create an application (or any resource) and a Key Vault and then create atrust relationshipbetween those two that needs no other secrets in order to function. This way you will not have to manage yet another secret.

Please bear in mind, that if using an HSM or Key Vault, you can isolate all your sensitive information and keys at that level, so that you will never have to bother about the secure storage of those item ever. No more hard-coding, no more cumbersome dev-ops processes!

Managed Service Identities

This is possible in azure, using Managed Service Identities. As I have said before, the purpose of this article is not to replace the awesome documentation that Micro$oft has in place for MSI, but to encourage you to read it and use this magic feature in your applications. Current or future

Here is about Managed Service Identities:

Here is an example where you can use an Azure App Service together with an Key Vault

Stay safe!

Four security dimensions of software development

It’s not my definite characteristic to write boilerplate articles about obvious challenges, but I had a fairly recent experience (December 2018). I was doing some security work for an old client of mine and found that it was facing the absolute same basic problems that I tackled many times before. So, I remembered that more than 1.5 years ago I summed those problems up into the following material:

Originally published [here]

Having a job that requires deep technical involvement in a prolific forest of software projects certainly has its challenges. I don’t really want to emphasize the challenges, as I want to talk about one of its advantages: being exposed to issues regarding secure software development in our current era.

Understanding these four basic dimensions of developing secure software is key to starting building security into the software development lifecycle.

Dimension Zero: Speaking the same language

The top repetitive problem that I found in my experience, regardless of the maturity of the software development team, is the heterogeneous understanding of security. This happens at all levels of a software development team: from stakeholders, project managers to developers, testers and ultimately users.

It’s not that there is a different understanding of security between those groups. That would be easy to fix. It’s that inside each group there are different understandings of the same key concepts about security.

As you can expect, this cannot be good. You cannot even start talking about a secure product if everybody has a different idea of what that means.

So how can a team move within this uncertain Dimension Zero? As complicated as this might seem, the solution is straightforward: build expertise inside the team and train the team in security.

How should a final resolution look like at the end of this dimension? You should have put in place a framework for security that lives besides your development lifecycle, like Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) from Microsoft for example. Microsoft SDL is a pretty good resource to start with while keeping the learning loop active during the development process.

Dimension One: Keeping everybody involved.

Let’s assume that a minor security issue appears during implementation of some feature. One of the developers finds a possible flaw. She may go ahead and resolve it, consider it as part of her job, and never tell anyone about it. After all, she has already been trained to do it.

Well… no!

Why would you ask, right!? This looks counterintuitive, especially because “build expertise inside the team and train the team in security” was one of the “dimension zero”’s to go with advice.

Primarily because that is how you start losing the homogeneity you got when tackling Dimension Zero. Furthermore, there will always be poles of security expertise, especially in large teams, you want to have the best expertise when solving a security issue.

Dimension Two: Technical

Here’s a funny fact: we can’t take the developers out of the equation. No matter how hard we try. Security training for developers must include a lot of technical details, and you must never forget about:

  • Basics of secure coding. 
    (E.g. never do stack/buffer overflows, understand privilege separation, sandboxing, cryptography, and …unfortunately many more topics)
  • Know your platform. Always stay connected with the security aspects of the platform you are developing on and for.
    (E.g. if you are a .NET developer, always know its vulnerabilities)
  • Know the security aspects of your environment.
    (E.g. if you develop a web application, you should be no stranger of XSRF)

This list can go forever, but the important aspect is never to forget about the technical knowledge that the developers need to be expsosed on.

Dimension Three: Don’t freak out.

You will conclude that you cannot have a secure solution within the budget you have. This can happen multiple times during a project’s development. That is usually a sign that you got the threat model wrong. Probably you assumed an omnipresent and omnipotent attacker. [We all know you can’t protect from the “Chupacabra”, so you shouldn’t pay a home visit.]

This kind of an attacker doesn’t exist… yet. So, don’t worry too much about it, focus on the critical aspects that need to be secured, and you’ll restore the balance with the budget in no time.

Instead of a sum up of the 4 security dimensions of software development, I wish you happy secure coding and leave you a short-but-important reading list:

Be safe!

Pragmatic steps for cybersecurity consolidation

At the end of last year, I had some time to review and get up-to-date with some of the most important security incidents of 2018. Some of these incidents are wide-spread knowledge, some of them are particular to the activity that I do. While doing this, I figured that I could draw some pragmatic conclusions about what basic protection is against “a generic 2018 cybersecurity threat”. I have great friends and colleagues, and so one thing leads to another and we get to publish a small eBook on this topic.

This small eBook is designed for decision makers to gain a high-level overview of topics, as well as for IT professionals responsible for security steps to be implemented.

All things considered, we hope that everyone who will read the eBook and will implement some recommendation to their current strategy / development / infrastructure / design / testing practices will improve their overall products’ or services’ security.

You can download it here. Of course, this is free. If you want to get it directly from me, drop me an e-mail please, I’ll make sure to reply with the proper attachment :).

I am the author, and my colleagues

Tudor Damian – Technical curator

Diana Tataran – General curator

Noemi Bokor – Visual Identity

Avaelgo – Sponsored some time to make this possible

Are the ones who made this possible.

Cheers to you to.